Select A Delivery Provider
Personal shopping and delivery provided by Instacart. Standard fees apply.
Personal shopping and delivery provided by Uber Eats. Standard fees apply.
To order ahead for in-store pickup, please call the store at least one hour ahead of your desired pickup time.
Frequently Asked Questions
1How do I order delivery from Good Earth Markets?
All online delivery orders for Good Earth Markets are done through Instacart or Uber Eats. You must download your preferred app and create an account to place an order for delivery. All shopping, payment, and fulfillment details are entered on the app.
2How are delivery orders from Good Earth Markets fulfilled?
After shopping and placing your delivery order from Good Earth Markets on the Instacart or Uber Eats app or website, your order is selected by a personal shopper who travels to our store, collects your order, and checks out through our registers. They then deliver your order to the designated address at the time you selected. Good Earth Markets does not receive, pack, or deliver your order.
3Does ordering on Instacart and Uber Eats cost extra?
Instacart and Uber Eats add a reasonable markup to our lowest posted prices to cover their costs of personal shopping. Delivery fees are based on distance, and it is customary to tip your delivery driver. Good Earth Markets does not charge any fees for these services.
4Can I place an order for in-store pickup?
Yes. In-store pickup orders are placed by calling the store. A team member will collect the available products and you will pay at pickup. We are happy to offer in-store pickup orders without any service fees or price markups.
5Who do I contact with questions or concerns about my delivery order?
Any questions regarding your delivery order must be directed to the service provider with which you placed your order. Instacart and Uber Eats operate independently of Good Earth Markets and we do not have access to your order details or customer information.
6Do delivery orders earn Live Healthy Rewards points?
The Instacart and Uber Eats ordering systems are totally separate from Good Earth Markets so orders placed through these services do not earn Live Healthy Rewards points. Rewards points are only earned on purchases made in person in-store.
7Are there any discounts available for delivery orders?
From time to time, Instacart and Uber Eats may offer delivery promotions or other discounts. Subscribe to updates to be notified of special offers. Additional coupons for specific products or brands sold in our stores can often be found and applied to your order within the apps as you shop.